Dr Rachel Cave


Contact Details

Earth & Ocean Sciences
Room A210a
Quadrangle Building
NUI Galway
T: Ext. 2351
E: rachel.cave@nuigalway.ie


  •  Lecturer in Chemical Oceanography at NUI Galway since 2004
  • Postdoctoral researcher at the University of east Anglia, UK 2001-2004                                                                                                         
  • Eurocat project 'European catchments, catchment changes and their impact on the coast '
  • Postgraduate student at the Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK  1997-2001                                                                                   
  • PhD thesis : 'A geochemical study of hydrothermal signals in marine sediments : The Rainbow hydrothermal area at 36N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge'  (Supervisors C. R. German, J. Thomson and R.W. Nesbitt)
  • Undergraduate students at the University of Wales, Bangor 1992-1997                                                                                                         
  •  BSc (Hons) in Geological Oceanography

Research Interests

Ocean Acidification and its effects on the biogeochemistry of marine waters, potential for socio-economic impacts of future ocean acidification. Nutrient biogeochemistry in coastal waters. Effects of rainfall on the biogeochemistry of surface seawater. Potential for use of lighthouses as marine measurement platforms. Recovery and use of historical marine biogeochemistry datasets.

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Clynton Gregory IRC Enterprise Partnership Scheme Postgrad Scholarships 2015 04-JAN-16 03-JAN-20
RAFTS (RAinFall aT Sea) 16-JAN-15 15-DEC-17
MF 2004 MF71 04 M DR. RACHEL CAVE 01-OCT-04 30-APR-07

Contract Researchers

  Researcher Name Project Role Funding Body
Dr Triona McGrath PBA/ME/16/01 Ocean Acidification and Biogeochemistry: variability, trends and vulnerability Postdoctoral researcher

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2007) 'Modelling the effects and economics of managed realignment on the cycling and storage of nutrients, carbon and sediments in the Blackwater estuary UK'
Shepherd, D;Burgess, D;Jickells, T;Andrews, J;Cave, R;Turner, RK;Aldridge, J;Parker, ER;Young, E (2007) 'Modelling the effects and economics of managed realignment on the cycling and storage of nutrients, carbon and sediments in the Blackwater estuary UK'. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 73 :355-367 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Inorganic carbon distribution in coastal and shelf waters around Ireland'
McGrath, T.; McGovern, E.; Cave, R.R.; Kivimae, C. (2016) 'Inorganic carbon distribution in coastal and shelf waters around Ireland'. Estuaries And Coasts, 39 (1):27-39 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Metal complexation by organic ligands (L) in near-pristine estuarine waters: evidence for the identity of L'
Murray, H,Meunier, G,Stengel, DB,Cave, R (2014) 'Metal complexation by organic ligands (L) in near-pristine estuarine waters: evidence for the identity of L'. Environmental Chemistry, 11 :89-99 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Winter measurements of biogeochemical parameters in the Rockall Trough (2009–2012)'
McGrath, T., Kivimae, McGovern, E., Cave, R.R., and Joyce, E. (2013) 'Winter measurements of biogeochemical parameters in the Rockall Trough (2009–2012)'. Earth System Science Data (ESSD), 5 :375-383 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Voltammetric characterization of macroalgae-exuded organic ligands (L) in response to Cu and Zn: a source and stimuli for L'
Murray, H., Meunier, G, van den Berg, C.T, Cave, R., Stengel, D.B (2013) 'Voltammetric characterization of macroalgae-exuded organic ligands (L) in response to Cu and Zn: a source and stimuli for L'. Environmental Chemistry, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/EN13085 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Inorganic carbon and pH levels in the Rockall Trough 1991-2010'
McGrath, T,Kivimae, C,Tanhua, T,Cave, RR,McGovern, E (2012) 'Inorganic carbon and pH levels in the Rockall Trough 1991-2010'. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers, 68 :79-91 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Influence of fresh water, nutrients and DOC in two submarine-groundwater-fed estuaries on the west of Ireland'
Smith A.M; Cave, R.R (2012) 'Influence of fresh water, nutrients and DOC in two submarine-groundwater-fed estuaries on the west of Ireland'. Science Of The Total Environment, 438 :260-270 [Details]
(2011) 'Intertidal and submarine groundwater discharge on the west coast of Ireland'
Cave, RR,Henry, T (2011) 'Intertidal and submarine groundwater discharge on the west coast of Ireland'. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 92 :415-423 [DOI] [Details]
(2006) 'Mobile voltammetric laboratory for ship-board and shore-based analyses of dissolved copper'
Knight S; Morley N; Leech D; Cave R (2006) 'Mobile voltammetric laboratory for ship-board and shore-based analyses of dissolved copper'. Environmental Chemistry, 3 :450-456 [DOI] [Details]
(2006) 'Temporal monitoring of total dissovled copper in surface seawater of Galway Bay, Ireland, using a mobile voltammetric analysis system'
Knight,S., Cave,R., Morley,N., Leech,D. (2006) 'Temporal monitoring of total dissovled copper in surface seawater of Galway Bay, Ireland, using a mobile voltammetric analysis system'. PROCEEDINGS OF ESAI ENVIRON 2005, :8-12 [Details]
(2005) 'Scenarios for integrated river catchment and coastal zone management'
Ledoux, L; Beaumont, N; Cave, RR; Turner, RK (2005) 'Scenarios for integrated river catchment and coastal zone management'. Regional Environmental Change, 5 (02-Mar):82-96 [Details]
(2005) 'A review of sediment contamination in the Humber catchment and estuary, and the implications for future estuary water quality'
Cave, RR; Andrews, JE; Jickells, T; Coombes, EG (2005) 'A review of sediment contamination in the Humber catchment and estuary, and the implications for future estuary water quality'. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 62 (3):547-557 [Details]
(2003) 'The Humber Catchment and its Coastal Area: from UK to European perspectives'
Cave, RR; Ledoux, L; Turner, K; Jickells, T; Andrews, JE; Davies, H (2003) 'The Humber Catchment and its Coastal Area: from UK to European perspectives'. Science Of The Total Environment, 314/316 :31-52 [Details]
(2003) 'Deposition of Osmium and other Platinum-Group Elements beneath the ultramafic-hosted Rainbow hydrothermal plume'
Cave, RR; Ravizza, GE; German, CR; Thomson, J; Nesbitt, RW (2003) 'Deposition of Osmium and other Platinum-Group Elements beneath the ultramafic-hosted Rainbow hydrothermal plume'. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 210 :65-79 [Details]
(2002) 'The record of the hydrothermal activity at Rainbow (MAR, 36 degrees 14'N) by sediment cores'
Chavagnac, V; German, CR; Cave, RR (2002) 'The record of the hydrothermal activity at Rainbow (MAR, 36 degrees 14'N) by sediment cores'. Geochimica Et Cosmichimca Acta, 68 :A132-A132 [Details]
(2002) 'Fluxes to sediments underlying the Rainbow hydrothermal plume at 36°14'N on the Mid–Atlantic Ridge'
Cave, RR; German, CR; Thomson, J; Nesbitt, RW (2002) 'Fluxes to sediments underlying the Rainbow hydrothermal plume at 36°14'N on the Mid–Atlantic Ridge'. Geochimica Et Cosmichimca Acta, 66 (11):1905-1923 [Details]
(2000) 'Vertical and lateral splitting of a hydrothermal plume at Steinahóll, Reykjanes Ridge, Iceland'
Ernst, GGJ; Cave, RR; German, CR; Palmer, MR; Sparks, RSJ (2000) 'Vertical and lateral splitting of a hydrothermal plume at Steinahóll, Reykjanes Ridge, Iceland'. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 179 :529-537 [Details]
(1998) 'Hydrothermal plume detection in the deep ocean'
Cave, RR; German, CR (1998) 'Hydrothermal plume detection in the deep ocean'. Underwater Technology, 23 (2):71-75 [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2005) 'Managing European Coasts: past, present and future'
Andrews, J., Beaumont, N., Brouwer, R., Cave, R., Jickells, T., Ledoux, L. and Turner, R.K. (2005) 'Managing European Coasts: past, present and future' In: Springer. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2012) Environ 2012
Murray, H., ,Cave, R. ,Stengel, D.B. (2012) Algae-exuded organic ligands as modulators of metal bioavailability in seawater. (poster).Algae-exuded organic ligands as modulators of metal bioavailability in seawater. (poster) Environ 2012 DublinDublin, [Details]
(2011) Environ 2011
Murray, H., Stengel, D.B. ,Cave R. (2011) The effect of algal-exuded organic ligands on metal bioavailability in seawater (poster).The effect of algal-exuded organic ligands on metal bioavailability in seawater (poster) Environ 2011 [Details]
(2011) SETAC North America Focused Topic Meeting on Pollutants in the Environment
Murray, H., Stengel, D.B., Cave R. (2011) Voltammetric characterization of algal-exuded organic ligands and their effect on copper bioavailability in seawater (oral).Voltammetric characterization of algal-exuded organic ligands and their effect on copper bioavailability in seawater (oral) SETAC North America Focused Topic Meeting on Pollutants in the Environment MexicoMexico, [Details]
(2010) European Meeting of Environmental Chemists 11
Murray, H., ,Cave, R., ,Stengel, D.B. (2010) The effect of algal-exuded organic ligands on metal bioavailability in seawater. (oral).The effect of algal-exuded organic ligands on metal bioavailability in seawater. (oral) European Meeting of Environmental Chemists 11 Portoroz SloveniaPortoroz Slovenia, [Details]
(2010) XXth International Seaweed Symposium
Durcan, J., ,Stengel, D.B., ,Cave, R., ,Tyrrell, L., ,McGovern, E. (2010) Determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish macroalgae. (poster).Determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish macroalgae. (poster) XXth International Seaweed Symposium Ensenada Baja California (Mexico)Ensenada Baja California (Mexico), [Details]
(2009) ASLO 2009 Aquatic Science meeting
Durcan, J., ,Cave, R., ,Tyrrell, L., ,Stengel, D. ,McGovern, E. (2009) Development of methods and determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish marine biota. (poster).Development of methods and determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish marine biota. (poster) ASLO 2009 Aquatic Science meeting Nice,Nice, [Details]
(2009) ENVIRON 2009
Durcan, J., ,Cave, R., ,Tyrrell, L., ,Stengel, D. ,McGovern, E. (2009) Development of methods and determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish marine biota. (poster).Development of methods and determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish marine biota. (poster) ENVIRON 2009 Waterford I.T.Waterford I.T, [Details]
(2006) Proceedings of the SOLAS Ireland Workshop 2006
Cave, R. R. and Henry, T. (2006) Groundwater Inputs to the Coastal Zone of south County Galway and north and west County Clare . In: O'Dowd, C eds. Proceedings of the SOLAS Ireland Workshop 2006 National University of Ireland, Galway, [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2012) Carbon Dioxide, Hydrographic, and Chemical Data Obtained During the R/V Celtic Explorer Standard Oceanographic Section Cruises in the Rockall Trough area.
McGrath, T; Kivimae, C; Cave, RR; McGovern, E (2012) Carbon Dioxide, Hydrographic, and Chemical Data Obtained During the R/V Celtic Explorer Standard Oceanographic Section Cruises in the Rockall Trough area. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US Department of Energy, USA. [DOI] [Details]
(2011) Impacts of Increased Atmospheric CO2 on Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems, Chap. 2&3.
O’Dowd, C.; Cave, R.; McGovern, E.; Ward, B.; Kivimae, C.; McGrath, T.; Stengel, D.; Westbrook, G., (2011) Impacts of Increased Atmospheric CO2 on Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems, Chap. 2&3. Marine Institute, Galway, Ireland. [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2004) 'Future Scenarios and Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Alternative Policy Options to Improve Water Quality in the Humber Catchment in the UK'
Cave, R. (2004) 'Future Scenarios and Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Alternative Policy Options to Improve Water Quality in the Humber Catchment in the UK' Final Regional Catchment Study report to the EU (EUROCAT project), . [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2016) Quasimeme Workshop on Ocean Acidification,
McGrath, T.; McGovern, E.; Cave, R.R. (2016) Workshop on measurements and quality control of ocean acidification data. [Poster Presentation], Quasimeme Workshop on Ocean Acidification, National Oceanographic Centre, Southampton, UK , 02-FEB-16 - 05-FEB-16. [Details]
(2016) Marine Chemistry Working Group 2016,
McGrath, T.; McGovern, E.; Cave, R.R. (2016) Title of presentation: The inorganic carbon chemistry in Irish coastal, shelf and offshore water. This was an overview of all carbonate chemistry research to date that has been carried out in Ireland. [Invited Oral Presentation], Marine Chemistry Working Group 2016, Marine Institute, Galway , 07-MAR-16 - 11-MAR-16. [Details]
(2015) GAIC2015,
McGrath, T.; McGovern, E.; Cave, R.R. (2015) GO-SHIP/Argo/IOCCP Conference - Sustained ocean observing for the next decade. [Poster Presentation], GAIC2015, Galway, Ireland , 14-SEP-15 - 18-SEP-15. [Details]
(2014) EGU,
McGrath, T.; Cave, R.R.; McGovern, E. (2014) European Geosciences Union. [Oral Presentation], EGU, Vienna, Austria , 27-APR-14 - 02-MAY-14. [Details]
(2012) Third Symposium on the Oceans in a High CO2 World,
McGrath, T.; Kivimae, C.; Cave, R.R.; McGovern, E. (2012) Key international conference covering all themes related to ocean acidificaiton. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Third Symposium on the Oceans in a High CO2 World, Monterey, California , 10-SEP-12 - 15-SEP-12. [Details]
(2011) Water Framwork Directive Meeting,
McGrath, T.; Kivimae, C.; Cave, R.R.; McGovern, E. (2011) Annual meeting outlining work projects related to WFD. [Oral Presentation], Water Framwork Directive Meeting, Marine Institute, Galway , 11-JAN-11 - 11-JAN-11. [Details]
(2009) EPOCA,
McGrath, T.; Kivimae, C.; Cave, R.R.; McGovern, E. (2009) European Project on Ocean Acidification workshop: Fundamentals of Marine Carbon Biogeochemistry. [Poster Presentation], EPOCA, Bergen, Norway , 21-SEP-09 - 25-SEP-09. [Details]
(2008) Second Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World,
McGrath, T.; Kivimae, C.; Cave, R.R.; McGovern, E. (2008) Second Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World. [Poster Presentation], Second Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World, Monaco , 06-OCT-08 - 10-OCT-08. [Details]
(2005) Mobile Voltammetric Analysis System for the Determination of Dissolved Copper in Surface Seawater off the West Coast of Ireland. American Society for Limnology and Oceanography,
Knight, S. M., Cave, R. R., Leech, D. P., Morley, N. H. (2005) Methodology Poster. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Mobile Voltammetric Analysis System for the Determination of Dissolved Copper in Surface Seawater off the West Coast of Ireland. American Society for Limnology and Oceanography, Santiago de Compostela, Spain , 19-JUN-05 - 24-JUN-05. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2011) Geochemistry of a coastal karstic groundwater resource located in Western Ireland. Environ 2011, 21st Irish Researchers' Colloquium.
Petrunic, B.M., Duffy, G., Henry, T., Cave, R. (2011) Geochemistry of a coastal karstic groundwater resource located in Western Ireland. Environ 2011, 21st Irish Researchers' Colloquium. Cork, Ireland: Abstract [Details]

Conference Paper

  Year Publication
(2012) Algae-exuded organic ligands as modulators of metal bioavailability in seawater. (poster).. Environ.
Murray, H., ,Cave, R. ,Stengel, D.B. (2012) Algae-exuded organic ligands as modulators of metal bioavailability in seawater. (poster).. Environ. DublinDublin: Conference Paper [Details]
(2012) Hydrodynamics of a coastal karst aquifer affected by saltwater intrusion under oceanic climatic influence.
Perriquet, M., Henry, T., Cave, R., Leonardi, V. & Jourde, H. (2012) Hydrodynamics of a coastal karst aquifer affected by saltwater intrusion under oceanic climatic influence. Conference Paper [Details]
(2011) Voltammetric characterization of algal-exuded organic ligands and their effect on copper bioavailability in seawater (oral).. SETAC North America Focused Topic Meeting on Pollutants in the Environment.
Murray, H., ,Stengel, D.B. ,Cave R. (2011) Voltammetric characterization of algal-exuded organic ligands and their effect on copper bioavailability in seawater (oral).. SETAC North America Focused Topic Meeting on Pollutants in the Environment. MexicoMexico: Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) Determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish macroalgae. (poster).. XXth International Seaweed Symposium.
Durcan, J., ,Stengel, D.B., ,Cave, R., ,Tyrrell, L., ,McGovern, E. (2010) Determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish macroalgae. (poster).. XXth International Seaweed Symposium. Ensenada Baja California (Mexico)Ensenada Baja California (Mexico): Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) The effect of algal-exuded organic ligands on metal bioavailability in seawater. (oral).. European Meeting of Environmental Chemists 11.
Murray, H., ,Cave, R., ,Stengel, D.B. (2010) The effect of algal-exuded organic ligands on metal bioavailability in seawater. (oral).. European Meeting of Environmental Chemists 11. Portoroz SloveniaPortoroz Slovenia: Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) Development of methods and determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish marine biota. (poster).. ENVIRON.
Durcan, J., ,Cave, R., ,Tyrrell, L., ,Stengel, D. ,McGovern, E. (2009) Development of methods and determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish marine biota. (poster).. ENVIRON. Waterford I.T.Waterford I.T: Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) Development of methods and determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish marine biota. (poster).. ASLO 2009 Aquatic Science meeting.
Durcan, J., ,Cave, R., ,Tyrrell, L., ,Stengel, D. ,McGovern, E. (2009) Development of methods and determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish marine biota. (poster).. ASLO 2009 Aquatic Science meeting. Nice,Nice: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Temporal monitoring of total dissolved copper in surface seawater of Galway Bay, Ireland, using a mobile voltammetric analysis system. Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland Colloquim.
Knight S. (2005) Temporal monitoring of total dissolved copper in surface seawater of Galway Bay, Ireland, using a mobile voltammetric analysis system. Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland Colloquim. Sligo, Ireland: Conference Paper [Details]
(2002) Science and Water Policy for the Humber catchment and coastal zone. Science for Water Policy (SWAP) - the implications for the Water Framework Directive.
R.R. Cave, (2002) Science and Water Policy for the Humber catchment and coastal zone. Science for Water Policy (SWAP) - the implications for the Water Framework Directive. Univeristy of East Anglia, Norwich, UK: Conference Paper [Details]

Conference Poster

  Year Publication
(2011) Voltammetric determination of copper-complexing capacity of algal-exuded organic ligands. Ryan Institute research Day.
Murray, H, Cave, R.R. and Stengel, D. (2011) Voltammetric determination of copper-complexing capacity of algal-exuded organic ligands. Ryan Institute research Day. NUI Galway: Conference Poster [Details]
(2011) The effect of algal-exuded ligands on metal bioavailability in seawater. Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland annual conference.
Murray, H, Cave, R.R. and Stengel, D. (2011) The effect of algal-exuded ligands on metal bioavailability in seawater. Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland annual conference. Conference Poster [Details]
(2010) Total and Inorganic arsenic in Irish seafood. SEGH 2010 Environmental Quality and Human Health.
Durcan, J., Cave, R., Tyrrell, L., Stengel, D. and McGovern, E. (2010) Total and Inorganic arsenic in Irish seafood. SEGH 2010 Environmental Quality and Human Health. NUI Galway: Conference Poster [Details]
(2010) GSI.
Smith, A.M. and Cave, R.R. (2010) GSI. Conference Poster [Details]
(2010) Determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish macroalgae. XXth International Seaweed Symposium.
Durcan, J., Stengel, D.B., Cave, R., Tyrrell, L., and McGovern, E. (2010) Determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish macroalgae. XXth International Seaweed Symposium. Ensenada Baja California, Mexico: Conference Poster [Details]
(2010) Metals in the Marine Environment (MIME). Marine Environment Workshop.
Cave, R., Stengel, D.B., Leech, D., Meunier, G., Murray, H. and Durcan, J (2010) Metals in the Marine Environment (MIME). Marine Environment Workshop. Marine Institute, Renville, Co. Galway: Conference Poster [Details]
(2010) Determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish macroalgae. College of Science Research Day.
Durcan, J., Stengel, D.B., Cave, R., Tyrrell, L. and McGovern, E (2010) Determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish macroalgae. College of Science Research Day. NUI Galway: Conference Poster [Details]
(2010) Impacts of Increased Atmospheric CO2 on Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems. Marine Environment Workshop.
O'Dowd, C., McGovern, E., Cave, R., Ward, B., Stengel, D.B., McGrath, T., Kivimae, C., McVeigh, P. and Westbrook, G. (2010) Impacts of Increased Atmospheric CO2 on Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems. Marine Environment Workshop. Marine Institute, Rinville, Co. Galway: Conference Poster [Details]
(2009) Groundwater inputs to the coastal zone of south Galway and Clare, west of Ireland. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting.
Cave, R.R. and Henry, T. (2009) Groundwater inputs to the coastal zone of south Galway and Clare, west of Ireland. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Nice, France: Conference Poster [Details]
(2009) The marine inorganic cycle of carbon in Irish waters: plans and first results. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting.
Kivimae, C., McGrath, T., McGovern, E. and Cave R. R.: (2009) The marine inorganic cycle of carbon in Irish waters: plans and first results. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Nice, France: Conference Poster [Details]
(2009) Development of methods and determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish marine biota. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting.
Durcan, J. J., Cave, R. R., McGovern, E., Stengel, D., Tyrell, L. (2009) Development of methods and determination of total and inorganic arsenic in Irish marine biota. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Nice, France: Conference Poster [Details]
(2009) Analysis of seasonal nutrient and particulate matter in a mussel-producing fjord on the west coast of Ireland. Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association Conference ECSA45.
Smith, A. M., Cave, R. R. and the UISCE Team (2009) Analysis of seasonal nutrient and particulate matter in a mussel-producing fjord on the west coast of Ireland. Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association Conference ECSA45. TCD: Conference Poster [Details]
(2009) Riverine versus groundwater sources of nutrients and carbon in two Irish coast bays and the implications for marine primary production and shellfish growth. Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum.
Smith, A. M., Cave, R. R. and the UISCE Team (2009) Riverine versus groundwater sources of nutrients and carbon in two Irish coast bays and the implications for marine primary production and shellfish growth. Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum. Edingburgh, Scotland: Conference Poster [Details]
(2009) Seasonal availability of food for primary production and mussel growth at Killary harbour, Ireland. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting.
Smith, A. M., Cave, R. R. and the UISCE Team (2009) Seasonal availability of food for primary production and mussel growth at Killary harbour, Ireland. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Nice, France: Conference Poster [Details]
(2008) Ocean acidification - a baseline study in Irish waters. 2nd Symposium on the ocean in a high CO2 world. SCOR/IOC.
McGrath, T., Cave, R. R., White, M. and McGovern, E. (2008) Ocean acidification - a baseline study in Irish waters. 2nd Symposium on the ocean in a high CO2 world. SCOR/IOC. Monaco: Conference Poster [Details]
(2006) Groundwater inputs to the coastal zone of south Galway and Clare. Challenger Society for Marine Science Conference.
Cave, R.R. and Henry, T. (2006) Groundwater inputs to the coastal zone of south Galway and Clare. Challenger Society for Marine Science Conference. Oban, Scotland: Conference Poster [Details]
(2005) Arsenic in Irish Coastal and Oceanic environments. American Society for Limnology and Oceanography.
Anninou, P., Cave, R. R., Ullgren, J., Morley, N. (2005) Arsenic in Irish Coastal and Oceanic environments. American Society for Limnology and Oceanography. Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Conference Poster [Details]
(2005) Estuaries as filters for nutrients – a case study of the Humber estuary, UK. American Society for Limnology and Oceanography.
Cave, R. R., Jickells. T., Andrews, J., Coombes, E.G., and Tappin, A. (2005) Estuaries as filters for nutrients – a case study of the Humber estuary, UK. American Society for Limnology and Oceanography. Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Conference Poster [Details]
(2005) The impact of groundwater on Irish coastal waters – a preliminary study. Environ ’05 Conference.
Cave, R. R., Henry, T. and O'Connor. T.: (2005) The impact of groundwater on Irish coastal waters – a preliminary study. Environ ’05 Conference. IT Sligo: Conference Poster [Details]


  Year Publication
(2012) Carbon Dioxide, Hydrographic, and Chemical Data Obtained During the R/V Celtic Explorer Standard Oceanographic Section Cruises in Rockall Trough area.
McGrath, T.; Kivimae, C.; Cave, R.R.; McGovern, E. (2012) Carbon Dioxide, Hydrographic, and Chemical Data Obtained During the R/V Celtic Explorer Standard Oceanographic Section Cruises in Rockall Trough area. Database [DOI] [Details]


  Year Publication
(2008) When whale fall falls.
Cave, R (2008) When whale fall falls. Letter [Details]

Newspaper Articles

  Year Publication
(2002) The Use of Scenarios in Integrated Environmental Assessment of Coastal-Catchment Zones: the case of the Humber Estuary, UK. LOICZ Newsletter.
Ledoux, L. (2002) The Use of Scenarios in Integrated Environmental Assessment of Coastal-Catchment Zones: the case of the Humber Estuary, UK. LOICZ Newsletter. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(1998) Box-coring around Rainbow?. BRIDGE Newsletter.
Cave, R.R. (1998) Box-coring around Rainbow?. BRIDGE Newsletter. Newspaper Articles [Details]

Technical Publication

  Year Publication
(1998) Geological processes in the Strait of Hormuz, Arabian Gulf: a contribution to the Scheherezade Programme. University of Wales Bangor Preliminary Report Project No. DB972.
Davis, A. (1998) Geological processes in the Strait of Hormuz, Arabian Gulf: a contribution to the Scheherezade Programme. University of Wales Bangor Preliminary Report Project No. DB972. Technical Publication [Details]
(1995) GLORIA Processing Handbook - an experience with WHIPS. Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory (IOSDL) Internal Report.
Cave, R.R (1995) GLORIA Processing Handbook - an experience with WHIPS. Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory (IOSDL) Internal Report. Technical Publication [Details]
(1995) TOBI processing Handbook – an experience with WHIPS. Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory (IOSDL) Internal Report.
Huhnerbach, V. (1995) TOBI processing Handbook – an experience with WHIPS. Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory (IOSDL) Internal Report. Technical Publication [Details]


  Year Publication
(2003) Biogeochemical valuation of intertidal areas - a case study of the Humber estuary. In Wetland Valuation: State of the art and opportunities for further development. Workshop organised for the Environment Agency by Environmental Futures Ltd. and CSERGE.
Jickells, T. (2003) Biogeochemical valuation of intertidal areas - a case study of the Humber estuary. In Wetland Valuation: State of the art and opportunities for further development. Workshop organised for the Environment Agency by Environmental Futures Ltd. and CSERGE. University of East Anglia, Norwich UK University of East Anglia, Norwich: Workshops [Details]

Working Paper

  Year Publication
(2010) Impacts of Increased Atmospheric CO2 on Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems (SS/CC/07/001). Marine Research Sub-Programme 2007-2013. Climate Change Research Programme Large Scale Project.
O'Dowd, C., McGovern, E., Cave, R.R., Ward, B., Stengel, D., Westbrook, G., Kivimae, C. and McGrath, T. (2010) Impacts of Increased Atmospheric CO2 on Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems (SS/CC/07/001). Marine Research Sub-Programme 2007-2013. Climate Change Research Programme Large Scale Project. Working Paper [Details]
(2005) Integrated modelling of an estuarine environment: an assessment of managed realignment options. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Technical Report.
Shepherd D., Jickells, T., Andrews, J., Cave, R., Ledoux, L., Turner, R.K., Watkinson, A., Aldridge, J., Malcolm, S., Parker, E.R., Young, E. and Nedwell, D., (2005) Integrated modelling of an estuarine environment: an assessment of managed realignment options. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Technical Report. Working Paper [Details]
(2002) Towards Integrated Catchment/Coastal Zone Management: Science, Policy and Scenarios. CSERGE Environmental Change and Management Working Paper.
Ledoux, L. (2002) Towards Integrated Catchment/Coastal Zone Management: Science, Policy and Scenarios. CSERGE Environmental Change and Management Working Paper. Working Paper [Details]

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
European Geosciences Union (EGU) Member /
Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland Member /
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Member /
Challenger Society for Marine Science Member /


  Committee Function From / To
Curriculum Committee * 30-DEC-99 / 30-DEC-99
Equality Committee * 30-DEC-99 / 30-DEC-99

Teaching Interests

My teaching interests are centered around chemical oceanography and its links to geological, biological and physical oceanography. I teach core modules for the denominated Earth and Ocean B.Sc., the Marine Science B.Sc. and contribute to the Environmental Science B.Sc. and the general Science B.Sc. at NUI Galway. My teaching has a strong field-based component including seagoing on research vessels. I contribute to the M.Sc. in Coastal and Marine Environments and to the M.Sc. in Biodiversity and Land Use Planning.

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
Summer and semester 1 / 4th year Final year Honours project EOS403 Coastal or ship-based undergraduate research projects
Semester 2 / 4th year Biophysical Interactions in the Oceans EOS409 This module examines biophysical and biogeochemical interactions in the ocean through critical reviews of a series of peer reviewed published literature on a number of topics related to ecosystem functioning at the continental margin and other topographic features. Linkage of physical processes to chemical cycling and biological distribution and habitat function are demonstrated.
Semester 1 /2nd year Introduction to Oceanography EOS213 This module covers the fundamental interactions between the oceans, the atmosphere, and the seafloor. Students study how physical, chemical, biological and geological properties and processes shape the ocean we have today, and the key role of the oceans in Earth’s climate.
Semester 2 / 1st year Introduction to Earth and Ocean Sciences EOS104 - II To introduce students to oceanographic concepts and earth’s climate