Dr Kirsten Fossum


Contact Details

Postdoctoral Researcher
Concourse building, University of Galway
E: kirstennicole.fossum@universityofgalway.ie


Dr. Kirsten Fossum graduated from Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO, USA, in 2014 with a B.A in Environmental Physics. She received Ph.D. in Atmospheric Physics in 2018-19 for work on 'Marine aerosol effects on cloud condensation nuclei and ice nuclei' from the National University of Ireland, Galway, later renamed University of Galway. Her present work, leading projects within the Centre for Climate and Air Pollution Studies (C-CAPS), is focused on aerosol physico-chemistry, formation, sources, climate and health impacts. She has led many first-author scientific papers, co-authored many more, authored multiple progress reports for funders and project final reports, been involved or led several field-projects, and given presentations at over 10 international conferences, several national symposiums, and multiple talks with the public sector.  She is a member of International Committee on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, The Aerosol Society, and the international Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere (SOLAS) Project.  

Research Interests

Research is focussed on observational research in atmospheric physics, namely aerosol-cloud dynamics, aerosol physico-chemical properties, impacts of aerosol on climate and air quality. Her specialty is the application of advanced scientific instrumentation for measuring aerosol physical and chemical properties, including the use of aerosol mass spectrometry techniques.
Kirsten's work is driven by a commitment to serve the public interest and protect our natural resources for future generations. 


ASC 2024, ACTRIS Science Conference, Poster Presentation, Rennes, France
ICNAA 2023, International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, Oral Presentation, Brisbane, Australia
SOLAS 2022, Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study, Oral Presentation, Cape Town, South Africa
IAC 2022, International Aerosol Conference, 2 Oral & 1 Poster Presentations, Athens, Greece
CATCH 2022, the Cryosphere and ATmospheric CHemistry Open Science Workshop, Oral Presentation, Online
EAC 2020, European Aerosol Conference Oral Presentation, Aachen, Germany
EAC 2019, European Aerosol Conference, Oral Presentation, Gothenburg, Sweden
BACCHUS Project Meeting 2018, Awarded oral presentation, Zurich, Switzerland
AGU Fall Meeting 2017, American Geophysical Union Poster Presentation, New Orleans, LA, USA
ICNAA 2017, International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols Poster Presentation, Helsinki, Finland 
EAC 2016, European Aerosol Conference, Poster Presentation, Tours, France
IOP 2016, Institute of Physics, Poster Presentation, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2018) 'Summertime Primary and Secondary Contributions to Southern Ocean Cloud Condensation Nuclei'
Fossum, KN;Ovadnevaite, J;Ceburnis, D;Dall'Osto, M;Marullo, S;Bellacicco, M;Simo, R;Liu, DT;Flynn, M;Zuend, A;O'Dowd, C (2018) 'Summertime Primary and Secondary Contributions to Southern Ocean Cloud Condensation Nuclei'. Scientific Reports, 8 [DOI] [Details]