Prof Andrew Simpkin

BA., PhD.

Contact Details

Professor In (Research Scholarship)
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
University Road


I am an Professor in Statistics at the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the University of Galway. My research focusses on longitudinal data analysis, functional data analysis, genomics and data science. I work on many interdisciplinary projects across medicine, engineering, biology, sociology and sports science. I'm interested in applied statistics and data science, developing methods and tools to work with people in a wide variety of disciplines. These collaborations often lead to questions which require novel theoretical statistical approaches.  

I came to statistics from a mathematics background, having studied at Trinity College Dublin. After receiving my BA I came to Galway and completed a PhD with Prof. John Newell in 2011.  The PhD focused on derivative estimation. In many cases, changes in a response over time are of primary concern, such that modelling the derivative of the response should take precedence. We developed methods in the area of nonparametric regression and smoothing which improved on established approaches to derivative estimation. While in Galway, I worked across many disciplines including biomedical engineering, medicine, computer science, sports science, economics. This exposure showed me the breadth of application of statistical methods.

I left Galway in 2011 and spent five and a half years at the School of Social and Community Medicine at the University of Bristol. There I worked on many biomedical applications, developing models for prostate cancer among others. I used linear mixed models to analyse repeated measures of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in cohorts of men with and without prostate cancer. We developed individualized PSA reference ranges which served as an alert for men questioning whether to remain on active surveillance. We packaged our model into an application and this was used successfully in patient - consultant discussion of ongoing active surveillance.

At Bristol, I worked as part of the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit to analyse DNA methylation data as part of the Accessible Resource for Integrated Epigenomics Studies (ARIES). Specifically, I developed novel machine learning models for the analysis of longitudinal DNA methylation data collected as part of the Accessible Resource for Integrated Epigenomics Studies (ARIES) program. DNA methylation data encompass up to 850,000 distinct signatures for each person at each time point in this birth cohort study. Using these models, we investigated patterns of DNA methylation in early life and the association of changes with several important clinical factors. We found that maternal smoking is associated with differences in offspring DNA methylation and that these differences persist through childhood and adolescence. On the other hand, we found that while maternal BMI and birth weight were associated with offspring DNA methylation, these differences resolved during childhood. I have also worked on the epigenetic clock in ARIES, identifying associations between sex, birth weight and epigenetic age acceleration in ARIES children. We also found links between maternal smoking and alcohol consumption and the age acceleration of their offspring. Modelling longitudinal big data (such as DNA methylation) is an important research focus. Big data which are also dynamic require care since data within individuals are correlated, requiring approaches which distinguish between- and within-subject variation. These approaches are often ignored in the big data setting.  

In 2014 I was awarded a Career Development Award in Biostatistics from the Medical Research Council (MRC) to investigate flexible methods for analysing longitudinal data. I combined my PhD and postdoctoral work thus far. Here the goal was to gain insights from longitudinal trajectories of biomarkers and other measures, and use these as risk factors for future health outcomes. I developed models for estimating features of trajectories in the big data setting as they related to other longitudinal processes such as child growth. Developing models for repeated measures data where features of longitudinal data are of primary interest. Features, such as maximum velocity of height in adolescents, are useful biomarkers and there is a knowledge gap in how to estimate these alongside other dynamic processes. In this fellowship, I developed the methods which bridged this knowledge gap.

I spent a year at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics in 2017 as part of the Orreco-Insight project. I developed statistical-machine learning algorithms for longitudinal data arising in sports science in conjunction with a commercial partner, Orreco. These models led to web applications and two patents pending in the elite sports domain. The goal of these models is to optimise performance and athlete readiness through recommendations based on GPS, biomarker and wearable data collected from professional athletes repeatedly during a competitive season.
In August 2018 I was appointed a Lecturer (Above the Bar) at the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics at NUI, Galway and in April 2024 I was promoted to Professor.

Research Interests

Research grants held:
Simpkin AJ (PI), Burke D, Cameron A, Hynes N, O¿Riordan P (co-Is). HealIntel: A multifactorial wound treatment monitoring system for intelligent healing of chronic wounds. Enterprise Ireland Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund. April 2023 to March 2026; 1,214,820 euro

Dunn E (PI), Simpkin AJ, Smith ADAC, Suderman, M, Relton CR, Walton E, Lussier, A. (co-investigators). Childhood adversity, DNA methylation, and risk for depression: A longitudinal study of protective factors and sensitive periods in development. National Institute for Health RO1. July 2023 to June 2028; $3,651,7462   

Dunn E (PI), Simpkin AJ, Smith ADAC, Suderman, M, Relton CR, Walton E, Lussier, A. (co-investigators). Childhood adversity, DNA methylation, and psychopathology symptoms: A longitudinal study of sensitive periods and chrono-epigenetics. National Institute for Health RO1. July 2022 to June 2027; $3,564,889

O¿Keeffe D (PI), Simpkin AJ, Carr P, Conboy K, Connolly C, Houghton C, Johnson K, Johnson M, Johnson P, Newell M, Walsh J, Waters R (co-investigators). Home Health. SFI Curam ¿ Cisco Systems.  May 2022 to December 2023; 850,000 euro

Simpkin AJ (PI), Moran K, Bargary N. Modelling sensor data in recreational runners. SFI Insight Platform Research Budget. September 2021 to August 2025. 110,000 euro

O'Keeffe D, Simpkin AJ (co-PIs). An Innovative Digital Acoustic Biomarker for COVID-19. SFI COVID-19 Rapid Response. January 2021 to July 2021. 125,649 euro

Simpkin AJ
, Laffey J (co-PIs). Joint modelling of survival and longitudinal data in the WEAN SAFE study.  PhD funding. January 2023 to December 2027. 110,000 euro
Bargary N, Simpkin AJ (co-PIs). Functional data Analysis for Sensor Technologies (FAST). SFI Frontiers for the Future project. December 2020 to December 2024. 467,569 euro

Bargary N, Simpkin AJ (co-PIs). Statistical modelling of sensor technology data. SFI Confirm Centre Open Call. March 2020 to February 2022. 190,146 euro

O'Keeffe D, Simpkin AJ (co-PIs), Dunn, F. A Novel Digital Biomarker for Diabetes Diagnosis. SFI Future Innovator Prize: AI for Societal Good. January 2020 to December 2020. 219,021 euro

Krieger, N, Relton CR (co-PIs), Simpkin AJ, Smith GD, Suderman M, Tilling, K, Waterman P (co-investigators). DNA methylation and Adversity: pathways from exposure to health inequities. National Institute for Health (USA). September 2019 to March 2023. $638,093

Simpkin AJ
 (PI), Mellotte, M. Connacht Rugby Ticketing Analytics. SFI Insight Targeted Project. January 2018 to July 2018; 60,000 euro
Simpkin AJ
, Wijns W, Newell J (co-PIs). Modelling continuous longitudinal glucose and heart rate data. SFI CÚRAM Centre for Medical Devices PhD funding. March 2018 to February 2022. 
100,000 euro

Simpkin AJ
(PI). Estimating features of repeated measures trajectories. Medical Research Council (UK) Career Development Award in Biostatistics. 1 August 2014 to 31 July 2018. £456,020

Dunn, E (PI), Simpkin AJ, Suderman, M, Relton CR. (co-investigators).
Childhood adversity, DNA methylation, and risk for depression: A longitudinal study of sensitive periods in development. National Institute for Health (USA). 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2022. $1,662,633

Howe, LD (PI), Smith, GD, Simpkin, AJ, Gaunt, TR, Relton, CR, Shihab, HA, Suderman, M (co-investigators).
Research Network: Interpreting epigenetic signatures in studies of early life adversity (Interstela)
Economic and Social Research Council (UK). 1 September 2015 to 31 August 2017. £268,660

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Andrew Simpkin - General Research Account 01-JAN-19 31-DEC-29

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Natural History of IntraDiscal Vacuum Phenomenon and its role in Advanced Disc Degeneration'
Cawley, D.T., Simpkin, A., Abrahim, E., Doyle, T., Elsheikh, N., Fallon, J., Habash, M., Phua, R.J., Langille, J., Matini, E. and McNamee, C. (2024) 'Natural History of IntraDiscal Vacuum Phenomenon and its role in Advanced Disc Degeneration'. Spine, [Details]
(2024) 'Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global TAVR activity: the COVID-TAVI study'
Armario, X., Carron, J., Simpkin, A.J., Elhadi, M., Kennedy, C., Abdel-Wahab, M., Bleiziffer, S., Lefèvre, T., Wolf, A., Pilgrim, T. and Villablanca, P.A. (2024) 'Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global TAVR activity: the COVID-TAVI study'. JACC. Cardiovascular interventions, [Details]
(2024) 'Intradiscal vacuum phenomenon matches lumbar spine degeneration patterns in an ageing population'
Cawley, D.T., Simpkin, A., Abrahim, E., Doyle, T., Elsheikh, N., Fallon, J., Habash, M., Phua, R.J., Langille, J., Matini, E. and McNamee, C. (2024) 'Intradiscal vacuum phenomenon matches lumbar spine degeneration patterns in an ageing population'. European Spine Journal, [Details]
(2023) 'Heart Failure Association-International Cardio-Oncology Society Risk Score Validation in HER2-Positive Breast Cancer'
Michael Cronin, Aileen Crowley, Matthew G. Davey, Peter Ryan, Mahmoud Abdelshafy, Ahmed Elkoumy, Hesham Elzomor, Shahram Arsang-Jang, Sandra Ganly, Patrick Nash, James Crowley, Faisal Sharif, Andrew Simpkin, Aoife Lowery, William Wijns, Michael Kerin and Osama Soliman (2023) 'Heart Failure Association-International Cardio-Oncology Society Risk Score Validation in HER2-Positive Breast Cancer'. Journal Of Clinical Medicine, [Details]
(2023) 'Performance of wearable watch-type home blood pressure measurement devices in a real-world clinical sample'
Lunardi, M., Muhammad, F., Shahzad, A., Nadeem, A., Combe, L., Simpkin, A.J., Sharif, F., Wijns, W. and McEvoy, J.W. (2023) 'Performance of wearable watch-type home blood pressure measurement devices in a real-world clinical sample'. Clinical Research In Cardiology, [Details]
(2023) 'Efficacy of levosimendan infusion in patients undergoing a left ventricular assist device implant in a propensity score matched analysis of the EUROMACS registry¿the Euro LEVO-LVAD study'
Abdelshafy, M., Caliskan, K., Simpkin, A.J., Elkoumy, A., Kimman, J.R., Elsherbini, H., Elzomor, H., de By, T.M., Gollmann-Tepeköylü, C., Berchtold-Herz, M. and Loforte, A. (2023) 'Efficacy of levosimendan infusion in patients undergoing a left ventricular assist device implant in a propensity score matched analysis of the EUROMACS registry¿the Euro LEVO-LVAD study'. European Journal Of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, [Details]
(2023) 'Sensitive periods for the effect of childhood adversity on DNA methylation: Updated results from a prospective, longitudinal study'
Lussier, A.A., Zhu, Y., Smith, B.J., Simpkin, A.J., Smith, A.D., Suderman, M.J., Walton, E., Relton, C.L., Ressler, K.J. and Dunn, E.C. (2023) 'Sensitive periods for the effect of childhood adversity on DNA methylation: Updated results from a prospective, longitudinal study'. Biological Psychiatry, [Details]
(2023) 'A new multiplex SARS-CoV-2 antigen microarray showed correlation of IgG, IgA, and IgM antibodies from patients with COVID-19 disease severity and maintenance of relative IgA and IgM antigen binding over time'
Marie Le Berre,Terézia Paulov¿áková,Carolina De Marco Verissimo,Seán Doyle,John P. Dalton,Claire Masterson,Eduardo Ribes Martínez,Laura Walsh,Conor Gormley,John G. Laffey,Bairbre McNicholas,Andrew J. Simpkin,Michelle Kilcoyne (2023) 'A new multiplex SARS-CoV-2 antigen microarray showed correlation of IgG, IgA, and IgM antibodies from patients with COVID-19 disease severity and maintenance of relative IgA and IgM antigen binding over time'. Plos One, [Details]
(2023) 'Objective Measures of Strain and Subjective Muscle Soreness Differ Between Positional Groups and Season Phases in American College Football'
McKay, B.A., Delaney, J.A., Simpkin, A., Larkin, T., Murray, A., Daniels, D., Pedlar, C.R. and Sampson, J.A. (2023) 'Objective Measures of Strain and Subjective Muscle Soreness Differ Between Positional Groups and Season Phases in American College Football'. International Journal Of Sports Physiology And Performance, [Details]
(2023) 'Statistical and Conceptual Considerations in Socioepigenomics Research on Childhood Adversity and Epigenetic Aging'
Dunn, E.C., Simpkin, A.J. and Walton, E. (2023) 'Statistical and Conceptual Considerations in Socioepigenomics Research on Childhood Adversity and Epigenetic Aging'. Jama Network Open, [Details]
(2023) 'Epidemiology and outcomes of early-onset AKI in COVID-19-related ARDS in comparison with non-COVID-19-related ARDS: insights from two prospective global cohort studies'
McNicholas, B.A., Rezoagli, E., Simpkin, A.J., Khanna, S., Suen, J.Y., Yeung, P., Brodie, D., Li Bassi, G., Pham, T., Bellani, G. and Fraser, J.F. (2023) 'Epidemiology and outcomes of early-onset AKI in COVID-19-related ARDS in comparison with non-COVID-19-related ARDS: insights from two prospective global cohort studies'. Critical Care, [Details]
(2023) 'Statistical techniques used in analysing simultaneous continuous glucose monitoring and ambulatory electrocardiography in patients with diabetes: A systematic review'
Charamba, B., Liew, A., Nadeem, A., Newell, J., O¿Keeffe, D.T., O¿Brien, T., Wijns, W., Shahzad, A. and Simpkin, A.J. (2023) 'Statistical techniques used in analysing simultaneous continuous glucose monitoring and ambulatory electrocardiography in patients with diabetes: A systematic review'. Plos One, [Details]
(2023) 'Characteristics and Outcome of Patients With a History of Cancer Undergoing Durable Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation'
Tie, H., Zhu, J., Akin, S., Allen, L.A., Huang, B., Martens, S., Welp, H., Simpkin, A., Shi, R., Wu, Q. and Soliman, O. (2023) 'Characteristics and Outcome of Patients With a History of Cancer Undergoing Durable Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation'. Circulation-Heart Failure, [Details]
(2023) 'Soft robot¿mediated autonomous adaptation to fibrotic capsule formation for improved drug delivery'
Beatty, R., Mendez, K.L., Schreiber, L.H., Tarpey, R., Whyte, W., Fan, Y., Robinson, S.T., O¿Dwyer, J., Simpkin, A.J., Tannian, J. and Dockery, P. (2023) 'Soft robot¿mediated autonomous adaptation to fibrotic capsule formation for improved drug delivery'. Science Robotics, [Details]
(2023) 'Artificial Intelligence in Interprofessional Healthcare Practice Education¿Insights from the Home Health Project, an Exemplar for Change'
Connolly, C., Hernon, O., Carr, P., Worlikar, H., McCabe, I., Doran, J., Walsh, J.C., Simpkin, A.J. and O¿Keeffe, D.T. (2023) 'Artificial Intelligence in Interprofessional Healthcare Practice Education¿Insights from the Home Health Project, an Exemplar for Change'. Computers in the Schools, [Details]
(2023) 'Dissociating COVID-19 from other respiratory infections based on acoustic, motor coordination, and phonemic patterns'
Talkar, T., Low, D.M., Simpkin, A.J., Ghosh, S., O¿Keeffe, D.T. and Quatieri, T.F. (2023) 'Dissociating COVID-19 from other respiratory infections based on acoustic, motor coordination, and phonemic patterns'. Scientific Reports, [Details]
(2023) 'The effect of population density on outcomes of major trauma patients in Ireland'
O'Reilly, C., Gordon, S., Simpkin, A.J., Hembrecht, S., Móráin, M.Ó. and Barry, K. (2023) 'The effect of population density on outcomes of major trauma patients in Ireland'. Journal Of The Royal College Of Surgeons Of Edinburgh, [Details]
(2023) 'Effectiveness of structured self-evaluation of video recorded performance on peripheral intravenous catheter insertion: a randomised control trial study protocol'
Hernon, O., McSharry, E., Simpkin, A., MacLaren, I. and Carr, P.J. (2023) 'Effectiveness of structured self-evaluation of video recorded performance on peripheral intravenous catheter insertion: a randomised control trial study protocol'. Trials, [Details]
(2023) 'Use of correct and incorrect methods of accounting for age in studies of epigenetic accelerated aging: implications and recommendations for best practices'
Krieger, N., Chen, J.T., Testa, C., Diez Roux, A., Tilling, K., Watkins, S., Simpkin, A.J., Suderman, M., Davey Smith, G., De Vivo, I. and Waterman, P.D. (2023) 'Use of correct and incorrect methods of accounting for age in studies of epigenetic accelerated aging: implications and recommendations for best practices'. American Journal Of Epidemiology, [Details]
(2023) 'Association between the timing of childhood adversity and epigenetic patterns across childhood and adolescence: findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) prospective cohort'
Alexandre A Lussier, PhD Yiwen Zhu, MSc Brooke J Smith, MSc Janine Cerutti, MA Jonah Fisher, BSc Phillip E Melton, PhD Natasha M Wood, BPsych Sarah Cohen-Woods, PhD Prof Rae-Chi Huang, PhD Colter Mitchell, PhD Lisa Schneper, PhD Prof Daniel A Notterman, MD Andrew J Simpkin, PhD Andrew D A C Smith, PhD Matthew J Suderman, PhD Esther Walton, PhD Prof Caroline L Relton, PhD Prof Kerry J Ressler, MD PhD Erin C Dunn, ScD (2023) 'Association between the timing of childhood adversity and epigenetic patterns across childhood and adolescence: findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) prospective cohort'. The Lancet. Child & Adolescent Health, [Details]
(2022) 'A prospective cohort study of the use of the fatty liver index and Fibroscan to determine the prevalence of fatty liver disease in an Irish population'
Rabbitt, L.A., McNally, M., Reynolds, L., Hinchion, K., Simpkin, A., Scarry, M., Bohan-Keane, M. and Goulding, C. (2022) 'A prospective cohort study of the use of the fatty liver index and Fibroscan to determine the prevalence of fatty liver disease in an Irish population'. European Journal Of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, [Details]
(2022) 'Stress Monitoring Using Wearable Sensors: A Pilot Study and Stress-Predict Dataset'
Iqbal, T., Simpkin, A.J., Roshan, D., Glynn, N., Killilea, J., Walsh, J., Molloy, G., Ganly, S., Ryman, H., Coen, E. and Elahi, A. (2022) 'Stress Monitoring Using Wearable Sensors: A Pilot Study and Stress-Predict Dataset'. Acs Sensors, [Details]
(2022) 'The impact of low input DNA on the reliability of DNA methylation as measured by the Illumina Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip'
Sarah Holmes Watkins, Karen Ho, Christian Testa, Louise Falk, Patrice Soule, Linda V. Nguyen, Sophie FitzGibbon, Catherine Slack, Jarvis T. Chen, George Davey Smith, Immaculata De Vivo, Andrew J. Simpkin, Kate Tilling, Pamela D. Waterman, Nancy Krieger, Matthew Suderman & Caroline Relton (2022) 'The impact of low input DNA on the reliability of DNA methylation as measured by the Illumina Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip'. Epigenetics, [Details]
(2022) 'Core Lab Adjudication of the ACURATE neo2 Hemodynamic Performance Using Computed-Tomography-Corrected Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Area'
Ahmed Elkoumy, Andreas Ru¿ck, Won-Keun Kim, Mohamed Abdel-Wahab, Mahmoud Abdelshafy, Ole De Backer, Hesham Elzomor, Christian Hengstenberg, Sameh K. Mohamed, Nawzad Saleh, Shahram Arsang-Jang, Henrik Bjursten, Andrew Simpkin, Christopher U. Meduri and Osama Soliman (2022) 'Core Lab Adjudication of the ACURATE neo2 Hemodynamic Performance Using Computed-Tomography-Corrected Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Area'. Journal Of Clinical Medicine, [Details]
(2022) 'Suicide under the Nazi-regime: a case-control study among Amsterdam Jews'
Tammes, P., Jones, T., Ben-Shlomo, Y. and Simpkin, A.J. (2022) 'Suicide under the Nazi-regime: a case-control study among Amsterdam Jews'. Suicide & life-threatening behavior, [Details]
(2022) 'Perioperative Levosimendan Infusion in Patients With End-Stage Heart Failure Undergoing Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation'
Mahmoud Abdelshafy, Hagar Elsherbini, Ahmed Elkoumy, Andrew J Simpkin, Hesham Elzomor, Kadir Caliskan, Osama Soliman (2022) 'Perioperative Levosimendan Infusion in Patients With End-Stage Heart Failure Undergoing Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation'. Frontiers In Cardiovascular Medicine, [Details]
(2022) 'Updates to data versions and analytic methods influence the reproducibility of results from epigenome-wide association studies'
Alexandre A Lussier, Yiwen Zhu, Brooke J Smith, Andrew J Simpkin, Andrew DAC Smith, Matthew J Suderman, Esther Walton, Kerry J Ressler, Erin C Dunn (2022) 'Updates to data versions and analytic methods influence the reproducibility of results from epigenome-wide association studies'. Epigenetics, [Details]
(2022) 'Public opinion of the Irish COVID Tracker digital contact tracing App: A national survey'
Michael E O'Callaghan, Manzar Abbas, Jim Buckley, Brian Fitzgerald, Kevin Johnson, John Laffey, Bairbre McNicholas, Bashar Nuseibeh, Derek O'Keeffe, Sarah Beecham, Abdul Razzaq, Kaavya Rekanar, Ita Richardson, Andrew Simpkin, James O'Connell, Cristiano Storni, Damyanka Tsvyatkova, Jane Walsh, Thomas Welsh, Liam G Glynn (2022) 'Public opinion of the Irish COVID Tracker digital contact tracing App: A national survey'. Digital Health, [Details]
(2022) 'An analysis of patient self-reported COVID-19 symptoms during the first wave of the pandemic in Ireland'
Claire Gibbons, Mouzzam Hussain, Derek T O'Keeffe, Andrew J Simpkin (2022) 'An analysis of patient self-reported COVID-19 symptoms during the first wave of the pandemic in Ireland'. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, [Details]
(2022) 'Sensitive Periods for the Effect of Childhood Adversity on DNA Methylation: Updated Results From a Prospective, Longitudinal Study'
Alexandre A Lussier, Yiwen Zhu, Brooke J Smith, Andrew J Simpkin, Andrew DAC Smith, Matthew J Suderman, Esther Walton, Caroline L Relton, Kerry J Ressler, Erin C Dunn (2022) 'Sensitive Periods for the Effect of Childhood Adversity on DNA Methylation: Updated Results From a Prospective, Longitudinal Study'. Biological Psychiatry, [Details]
(2022) 'Predicting CEFR levels in learners of English: the use of microsystem criterial features in a machine learning approach'
Thomas Gaillat, Andrew Simpkin, Nicolas Ballier, Bernardo Stearns, Annanda Sousa, Manon Bouyé, Manel Zarrouk (2022) 'Predicting CEFR levels in learners of English: the use of microsystem criterial features in a machine learning approach'. J Computer Assisted Learning, [Details]
(2022) 'Examining the epigenetic mechanisms of childhood adversity and sensitive periods: a gene set-based approach'
Yiwen Zhu, Alexandre A Lussier, Andrew DAC Smith, Andrew J Simpkin, Matthew J Suderman, Esther Walton, Caroline L Relton, Erin C Dunn (2022) 'Examining the epigenetic mechanisms of childhood adversity and sensitive periods: a gene set-based approach'. Psychoneuroendocrinology, [Details]
(2021) 'Medical encounters at community-based physical activity events (parkrun) in the UK'
Pedlar, C.R., Myrissa, K., Barry, M., Khwaja, I.G., Simpkin, A.J., Newell, J., Scarrott, C., Whyte, G.P., Kipps, C. and Baggish, A.L. (2021) 'Medical encounters at community-based physical activity events (parkrun) in the UK'. British Journal Of Sports Medicine, [Details]
(2021) 'Prevalence and frequency of menstrual cycle symptoms are associated with availability to train and compete: a study of 6812 exercising women recruited using the Strava exercise app'
Bruinvels, G., Goldsmith, E., Blagrove, R., Simpkin, A., Lewis, N., Morton, K., Suppiah, A., Rogers, J.P., Ackerman, K.E., Newell, J. and Pedlar, C. (2021) 'Prevalence and frequency of menstrual cycle symptoms are associated with availability to train and compete: a study of 6812 exercising women recruited using the Strava exercise app'. British Journal Of Sports Medicine, [Details]
(2021) 'Epigenome-wide change and variation in DNA methylation in childhood: trajectories from birth to late adolescence'
Mulder, R.H., Neumann, A., Cecil, C.A., Walton, E., Houtepen, L.C., Simpkin, A.J., Rijlaarsdam, J., Heijmans, B.T., Gaunt, T.R., Felix, J.F. and Jaddoe, V.W. (2021) 'Epigenome-wide change and variation in DNA methylation in childhood: trajectories from birth to late adolescence'. Human Molecular Genetics, [Details]
(2021) 'Sentiment analysis of user feedback on the HSE Covid-19 contact tracing app'
Rekanar, K., O'Keeffe, I.R., Buckley, S., Abbas, M., Beecham, S., Chochlov, M., Fitzgerald, B., Glynn, L., Johnson, K., Laffey, J., McNicholas, B., Simpkin, A., Buckley, J. (2021) 'Sentiment analysis of user feedback on the HSE Covid-19 contact tracing app'. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, [Details]
(2021) 'A comparison of methods to generate adaptive reference ranges in longitudinal monitoring'
Roshan, D., Ferguson, J., Pedlar, C.R., Simpkin, A., Wyns, W., Sullivan, F. and Newell, J., (2021) 'A comparison of methods to generate adaptive reference ranges in longitudinal monitoring'. Plos One, [Details]
(2021) 'A national survey of attitudes to COVID-19 digital contact tracing in the Republic of Ireland'
O'Callaghan, M.E., Buckley, J., Fitzgerald, B., Johnson, K., Laffey, J., McNicholas, B., Nuseibeh, B., O'Keeffe, D., O'Keeffe, Simpkin, A., Glynn, L. (2021) 'A national survey of attitudes to COVID-19 digital contact tracing in the Republic of Ireland'. Irish Medical Journal, [Details]
(2021) 'Modelling the relationship between continuously measured glucose and electrocardiographic data in adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus'
Charamba, B., Liew, A., Coen, E., Newell, J., O'Brien, T., Wijns, W. and Simpkin, A.J. (2021) 'Modelling the relationship between continuously measured glucose and electrocardiographic data in adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus'. Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, [Details]
(2021) 'Best practice guidance for digital contact tracing apps: A cross-disciplinary review of the literature'
O'Connell, J., Abbas, M., Beecham, S., Buckley, J., Chochlov, M., Fitzgerald, B., Glynn, L., Johnson, K., Laffey, J., McNicholas, B., Nuseibeh, B., Simpkin, A., O'Keeffe, D. (2021) 'Best practice guidance for digital contact tracing apps: A cross-disciplinary review of the literature'. JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU), [Details]
(2021) 'Ultrasound Image Classification of Thyroid Nodules Using Machine Learning Techniques'
Vadhiraj, V.V., Simpkin, A., O'Connell, J., Singh Ospina, N., Maraka, S. and O'Keeffe, D.T. (2021) 'Ultrasound Image Classification of Thyroid Nodules Using Machine Learning Techniques'. MDPI Information, [Details]
(2021) 'A Structured Approach to Evaluating Life-Course Hypotheses: Moving Beyond Analyses of Exposed Versus Unexposed in the-Omics Context'
Zhu, Y., Simpkin, A.J., Suderman, M.J., Lussier, A.A., Walton, E., Dunn, E.C. and Smith, A.D. (2021) 'A Structured Approach to Evaluating Life-Course Hypotheses: Moving Beyond Analyses of Exposed Versus Unexposed in the-Omics Context'. American Journal Of Epidemiology, [Details]
(2021) 'The Association Between Alterations in Redox Homeostasis, Cortisol, and Commonly Used Objective and Subjective Markers of Fatigue in American Collegiate Football'
McKay, B.A., Delaney, J.A., Simpkin, A., Larkin, T., Murray, A., Pedlar, C.R., Lewis, N.A. and Sampson, J.A. (2021) 'The Association Between Alterations in Redox Homeostasis, Cortisol, and Commonly Used Objective and Subjective Markers of Fatigue in American Collegiate Football'. International Journal Of Sports Physiology And Performance, [Details]
(2021) 'A sensitivity analysis of biophysiological responses of stress for wearable sensors in connected health'
Iqbal, T., Redon-Lurbe, P., Simpkin, A.J., Elahi, A., Ganly, S., Wijns, W. and Shahzad, A. (2021) 'A sensitivity analysis of biophysiological responses of stress for wearable sensors in connected health'. Ieee Access, [Details]
(2021) 'Impact on percutaneous coronary intervention for acute coronary syndromes during the COVID-19 outbreak in a non-overwhelmed European healthcare system: COVID-19 ACS-PCI experience in Ireland'
Connolly, N.P., Simpkin, A., Mylotte, D., Crowley, J., O'Connor, S., AlHarbi, K., Kiernan, T., Arockiam, S., Owens, P., John, A. and Blake, G.J. (2021) 'Impact on percutaneous coronary intervention for acute coronary syndromes during the COVID-19 outbreak in a non-overwhelmed European healthcare system: COVID-19 ACS-PCI experience in Ireland'. BMJ Open, [Details]
(2021) 'Geometric and dosimetric evaluation of a commercially available auto-segmentation tool for gross tumour volume delineation in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a feasibility study'
Barrett, S., Simpkin, A.J., Walls, G.M., Leech, M. and Marignol, L. (2021) 'Geometric and dosimetric evaluation of a commercially available auto-segmentation tool for gross tumour volume delineation in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a feasibility study'. Journal Of Clinical Oncology, [Details]
(2020) 'OptiBIRTH: a cluster randomised trial of a complex intervention to increase vaginal birth after caesarean section'
Clarke M, Devane D, Gross MM, Morano S, Lundgren I, Sinclair M, Putman K, Beech B, Vehviläinen-Julkunen K, Nieuwenhuijze M, Wiseman H., Simpkin, A., Begley, C. (2020) 'OptiBIRTH: a cluster randomised trial of a complex intervention to increase vaginal birth after caesarean section'. BMC Pregnancy And Childbirth, [Details]
(2020) 'Intravesical injection of botulinum toxin A for treatment of overactive bladder in anticoagulated patients: Is it safe?'
Wells, H., Luton, O., Simpkin, A., Bullock, N., KandaSwamy, G. and Younis, A. (2020) 'Intravesical injection of botulinum toxin A for treatment of overactive bladder in anticoagulated patients: Is it safe?'. Turkish Journal Of Urology, [Details]
(2020) 'Piloting the objective measurement of eating behaviour at a population scale: a nested study within the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children'
Wade, K.H., Clifford, L., Simpkin, A.J., Beynon, R., Birch, L., Northstone, K., Matthews, S., Smith, G.D., Hamilton-Shield, J. and Timpson, N.J. (2020) 'Piloting the objective measurement of eating behaviour at a population scale: a nested study within the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children'. Wellcome Open Research, [Details]
(2020) 'Increased oxidative stress in injured and ill elite international olympic rowers'
Lewis, N.A., Simpkin, A.J., Moseley, S., Turner, G., Homer, M., Redgrave, A., Pedlar, C.R. and Burden, R. (2020) 'Increased oxidative stress in injured and ill elite international olympic rowers'. International Journal Of Sports Physiology And Performance, [Details]
(2020) 'Association between breastfeeding and DNA methylation over the life course: findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)'
Hartwig, F.P., Davey Smith, G., Simpkin, A.J., Victora, C.G., Relton, C.L. and Caramaschi, D. (2020) 'Association between breastfeeding and DNA methylation over the life course: findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)'. Nutrients, [Details]
(2020) 'Adversity exposure during sensitive periods predicts accelerated epigenetic aging in children'
Marini, S., Davis, K.A., Soare, T.W., Zhu, Y., Suderman, M.J., Simpkin, A.J., Smith, A.D., Wolf, E.J., Relton, C.L. and Dunn, E.C. (2020) 'Adversity exposure during sensitive periods predicts accelerated epigenetic aging in children'. Psychoneuroendocrinology, [Details]
(2019) 'Sensitive periods for the effect of childhood adversity on DNA methylation: Results from a prospective, longitudinal study'
Dunn EC, Soare TW, Zhu Y, Simpkin AJ, Suderman MJ, Klengel T, Smith AD, Ressler K, Relton CL (2019) 'Sensitive periods for the effect of childhood adversity on DNA methylation: Results from a prospective, longitudinal study'. Biological Psychiatry, [Details]
(2019) 'Pathological upgrading in prostate cancer treated with surgery in the United Kingdom: trends and risk factors from the British Association of Urological Surgeons Radical Prostatectomy Registry'
Bullock, N., Simpkin, A., Fowler, S., Varma, M., Kynaston, H. and Narahari, K. (2019) 'Pathological upgrading in prostate cancer treated with surgery in the United Kingdom: trends and risk factors from the British Association of Urological Surgeons Radical Prostatectomy Registry'. BMC Urology, [Details]
(2019) 'Epigenetic gestational age and trajectories of weight and height during childhood: a prospective cohort study'
Bright, H.D., Howe, L.D., Khouja, J.N., Simpkin, A.J., Suderman, M. and O¿Keeffe, L.M. (2019) 'Epigenetic gestational age and trajectories of weight and height during childhood: a prospective cohort study'. Clinical Epigenetics, [Details]
(2019) 'Distributed slow-wave dynamics during sleep predict memory consolidation and its impairment in schizophrenia'
Bartsch, U., Simpkin, A.J., Demanuele, C., Wamsley, E., Marston, H.M. and Jones, M.W. (2019) 'Distributed slow-wave dynamics during sleep predict memory consolidation and its impairment in schizophrenia'. Npj Schizophrenia, [Details]
(2019) 'Progression-free but no overall survival benefit for adult patients with bevacizumab therapy for the treatment of newly diagnosed glioblastoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis'
Kaka, N., Hafazalla, K., Samawi, H., Simpkin, A., Perry, J., Sahgal, A. and Das, S. (2019) 'Progression-free but no overall survival benefit for adult patients with bevacizumab therapy for the treatment of newly diagnosed glioblastoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis'. Cancers, [Details]
(2019) 'Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and DNA methylation in newborns: findings from the pregnancy and childhood epigenetics consortium'
Kazmi, N., Sharp, G.C., Reese, S.E., Vehmeijer, F.O., Lahti, J., Page, C.M., Zhang, W., Rifas-Shiman, S.L., Rezwan, F.I., Simpkin, A.J. and Burrows, K. (2019) 'Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and DNA methylation in newborns: findings from the pregnancy and childhood epigenetics consortium'. Hypertension, [Details]
(2019) 'A cluster randomized-controlled trial of the mindout social and emotional learning program for disadvantaged post-primary school students'
Dowling, K., Simpkin, A.J. and Barry, M.M., (2019) 'A cluster randomized-controlled trial of the mindout social and emotional learning program for disadvantaged post-primary school students'. Journal Of Youth And Adolescence, [Details]
(2019) 'Low energy availability surrogates correlate with health and performance consequences of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport'
Ackerman, K.E., Holtzman, B., Cooper, K.M., Flynn, E.F., Bruinvels, G., Tenforde, A.S., Popp, K.L., Simpkin, A.J. and Parziale, A.L. (2019) 'Low energy availability surrogates correlate with health and performance consequences of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport'. British Journal Of Sports Medicine, [Details]
(2019) 'Jewish refugee children in the Netherlands during World War II: Migration, settlement, and survival'
Keesing, M., Tammes, P. and Simpkin, A.J. (2019) 'Jewish refugee children in the Netherlands during World War II: Migration, settlement, and survival'. Social Science History, [Details]
(2019) 'Dosimetric impact of uncorrected systematic yaw rotation in VMAT for peripheral lung SABR'
Barrett, S., Thirion, P., Harper, D., Simpkin, A.J., Leech, M., Hickey, K., Ryan, L. and Marignol, L. (2019) 'Dosimetric impact of uncorrected systematic yaw rotation in VMAT for peripheral lung SABR'. Reports Of Practical Oncology And Radiotherapy, [Details]
(2018) 'Variability of within-step acceleration and daily wellness monitoring in Collegiate American Football'
Murray, A.; Buttfield, A.; Simpkin, AJ.; Sproule, J.; Turner, AP. (2018) 'Variability of within-step acceleration and daily wellness monitoring in Collegiate American Football'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, [Details]
(2019) 'Data on trajectories of measures of cardiovascular health in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)'
O'Keeffe LM, Simpkin AJ, Tilling K, Anderson EL, Hughes AD, Lawlor DA, Fraser A, Howe LD (2019) 'Data on trajectories of measures of cardiovascular health in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)'. Data In Brief, [Details]
(2018) 'Psychosocial adversity and socioeconomic position during childhood and epigenetic age: analysis of two prospective cohort studies'
Lawn RB, Anderson EL, Suderman M, Simpkin AJ, Gaunt TR, Teschendorff AE, Widschwendter M, Hardy R, Kuh D, Relton CL. (2018) 'Psychosocial adversity and socioeconomic position during childhood and epigenetic age: analysis of two prospective cohort studies'. Human Molecular Genetics, [Details]
(2018) 'Epigenetic gestational age acceleration: a prospective cohort study investigating associations with familial, sociodemographic and birth characteristics'
Khouja JN, Simpkin AJ, O'Keeffe LM, Wade KH, Houtepen LC, Relton CL, Suderman M, Howe LD (2018) 'Epigenetic gestational age acceleration: a prospective cohort study investigating associations with familial, sociodemographic and birth characteristics'. Clinical Epigenetics, [Details]
(2018) 'Derivative estimation for longitudinal data analysis: examining features of blood pressure measured during pregnancy'
Simpkin AJ, Durban M, Lawlor DA, Macdonald-Wallis C, May MT, Metcalfe C, Tilling, K. (2018) 'Derivative estimation for longitudinal data analysis: examining features of blood pressure measured during pregnancy'. Statistics In Medicine, [Details]
(2018) 'Sex-specific trajectories of measures of cardiovascular health during childhood and adolescence: A prospective cohort study'
O'Keeffe LM, Simpkin AJ, Tilling K, Anderson EL, Hughes AD, Lawlor DA, Fraser A, Howe LD (2018) 'Sex-specific trajectories of measures of cardiovascular health during childhood and adolescence: A prospective cohort study'. Atherosclerosis, [Details]
(2017) 'Post-diagnosis serum insulin-like growth factors in relation to dietary and lifestyle changes in the Prostate testing for cancer and Treatment (ProtecT) trial'
Er V, Biernacka K, Simpkin AJ, Martin RM, Jeffreys M, Emmett P, Gilbert R, Avery KNL, Walsh E, Davis M, Donovan JL, Neal DE, Hamdy FC, Holly JMP, Lane JA. (2017) 'Post-diagnosis serum insulin-like growth factors in relation to dietary and lifestyle changes in the Prostate testing for cancer and Treatment (ProtecT) trial'. Cancer Causes & Control, [Details]
(2017) 'Associations of anthropometry since birth with sagittal posture at age 7 in a prospective birth cohort: the Generation XXI Study'
Araújo FA, Lucas R, Simpkin AJ, Heron J, Alegrete N, Tilling K, Howe LD, Barros H (2017) 'Associations of anthropometry since birth with sagittal posture at age 7 in a prospective birth cohort: the Generation XXI Study'. BMJ Open, [Details]
(2017) 'Epigenetic clocks for gestational age: statistical and study design considerations'
Simpkin AJ, Suderman M, Howe LD (2017) 'Epigenetic clocks for gestational age: statistical and study design considerations'. Clinical Epigenetics, [Details]
(2017) 'Modelling height in adolescence: a comparison of methods for estimating the age at peak height velocity'
Simpkin AJ, Sayers A, Gilthorpe MS, Heron J, Tilling K. (2017) 'Modelling height in adolescence: a comparison of methods for estimating the age at peak height velocity'. Annals Of Human Biology, [Details]
(2017) 'An epigenome-wide association study meta-analysis of educational attainment'
Karlsson Linnér, R; Marioni, RE; Rietveld, CA; Simpkin, AJ; Davies, NM; Watanabe, K; Armstrong, NJ; Auro, K; Baumbach, C; Bonder, MJ; Buchwald, J; Fiorito, G; Ismail, K; Iurato, S; Joensuu, A; Karell, P; Kasela, S; Lahti, J; McRae, AF; Mandaviya, PR; Seppala, I; Wang, Y; Baglietto, L; Binder, EB; Harris, SE; Hodge, AM; Horvath, S; Hurme, M; Johannesson, M; Latvala, A; Mather, KA; Medland, SE; Metspalu, A; Milani, L; Milne, RL; Pattie, A; Pedersen, NL; Peters, A; Polidoro, S; Raikkonen, K; Severi, G; Starr, JM; Stolk, L; Waldenberger, M; Eriksson, JG; Esko, T; Franke, L; Gieger, C; Giles, GG; Hagg, S; Jousilahti, P; Kapiro, J; Kahonen, M; Lehtimaki, T; Martin, NG; van Meurs, JBC; Ollikainen, M; Perola, M; Posthuma, D; Raitakari, OT; Sachdev, PS; Taskesen, E; Uitterlinden, AG; Vineis, P; Wijmenga, C; Wright, MJ; Relton, C; Davey Smith, G; Deary, IJ; Koellinger, PD; Benjamin, DJ. (2017) 'An epigenome-wide association study meta-analysis of educational attainment'. Molecular Psychiatry, [Details]
(2017) 'The epigenetic clock and physical development during childhood and adolescence: longitudinal analysis from a UK birth cohort'
Simpkin AJ, Howe LD, Tilling K, Gaunt TR, Lyttleton O, McArdle WL, Ring SM, Horvath S, Smith GD, Relton CL. (2017) 'The epigenetic clock and physical development during childhood and adolescence: longitudinal analysis from a UK birth cohort'. International Journal Of Epidemiology, [Details]
(2017) 'Longitudinal analysis strategies for modelling epigenetic trajectories'
Staley JR, Suderman M, Simpkin AJ, Gaunt TR, Heron J, Relton CL, Tilling K. (2017) 'Longitudinal analysis strategies for modelling epigenetic trajectories'. International Journal Of Epidemiology, [Details]
(2017) 'Are objective measures of physical capability relation to accelerated epigenetic age? Findings from a British birth cohort'
Simpkin, AJ; Cooper, R; Howe, LD; Relton, CL; Smith, GD, Teschendorff, AE, Widschwendter, M; Wong, A; Kuh, D; Hardy, R. (2017) 'Are objective measures of physical capability relation to accelerated epigenetic age? Findings from a British birth cohort'. BMJ Open, [Details]
(2016) 'Prostate-specific antigen patterns in US and European populations: comparison of six diverse cohorts'
Simpkin AJ, Donovan JL, Tilling K, Athene Lane J, Martin RM, Albertsen PC, Bill-Axelson A, Ballentine Carter H, Bosch JL, Ferrucci L, Hamdy FC, Holmberg L, Jeffrey Metter E, Neal DE, Parker CC, Metcalfe C. (2016) 'Prostate-specific antigen patterns in US and European populations: comparison of six diverse cohorts'. Bju International, [Details]
(2016) 'Exploration of a Polygenic Risk Score for Alcohol Consumption: A Longitudinal Analysis from the ALSPAC Cohort'
Taylor M, Simpkin AJ, Haycock PC, Dudbridge F, Zuccolo L. (2016) 'Exploration of a Polygenic Risk Score for Alcohol Consumption: A Longitudinal Analysis from the ALSPAC Cohort'. Plos One, [Details]
(2016) 'Serine-arginine protein kinase 1 (SRPK1), a determinant of angiogenesis, is upregulated in prostate cancer and correlates with disease stage and invasion'
Bullock N, Potts J, Simpkin AJ, Koupparis A, Harper SJ, Oxley J, Oltean S. (2016) 'Serine-arginine protein kinase 1 (SRPK1), a determinant of angiogenesis, is upregulated in prostate cancer and correlates with disease stage and invasion'. J Clin Pathol, [Details]
(2016) 'Investigating the prostate specific antigen, body mass index and age relationship: is an age-BMI-adjusted PSA model clinically useful?'
Harrison S, Tilling K, Turner EL, Lane JA, Simpkin A, Davis M, Donovan J, Hamdy FC, Neal DE, Martin RM. (2016) 'Investigating the prostate specific antigen, body mass index and age relationship: is an age-BMI-adjusted PSA model clinically useful?'. Cancer Causes & Control, [Details]
(2016) 'Longitudinal prostate-specific antigen reference ranges: Choosing the underlying model of age-related changes'
Simpkin AJ, Metcalfe C, Martin RM, Lane JA, Donovan JL, Hamdy FC, Neal DE, Tilling K. (2016) 'Longitudinal prostate-specific antigen reference ranges: Choosing the underlying model of age-related changes'. Statistical Methods In Medicaal Research, [Details]
(2016) 'Assessment of Offspring DNA Methylation across the Lifecourse Associated with Prenatal Maternal Smoking Using Bayesian Mixture Modelling'
de Vocht, F; Simpkin, AJ; Richmond, RC; Relton, CL; Tilling, KM. (2016) 'Assessment of Offspring DNA Methylation across the Lifecourse Associated with Prenatal Maternal Smoking Using Bayesian Mixture Modelling'. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, [Details]
(2016) 'Prenatal and early life influences on epigenetic age in children: a study of mother-offspring pairs from two cohort studies'
Simpkin AJ, Hemani G, Suderman M, Gaunt TR, Lyttleton O, Mcardle WL, Ring SM, Sharp GC, Tilling K, Horvath S, Kunze S, Peters A, Waldenberger M, Ward-Caviness C, Nohr EA, Sørensen TI, Relton CL, Smith GD. (2016) 'Prenatal and early life influences on epigenetic age in children: a study of mother-offspring pairs from two cohort studies'. Human Molecular Genetics, [Details]
(2015) 'Maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain, offspring DNA methylation and later offspring adiposity: findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children'
Sharp GC, Lawlor DA, Richmond RC, Fraser A, Simpkin A, Suderman M, Shihab HA, Lyttleton O, McArdle W, Ring SM, Gaunt TR, Davey Smith G, Relton CL. (2015) 'Maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain, offspring DNA methylation and later offspring adiposity: findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children'. International Journal Of Epidemiology, [Details]
(2015) 'The significance of hand dominance in hip osteoarthritis'
Cawley DT, Guerin SJ, Walsh J, Simpkin A, Masterson EL. (2015) 'The significance of hand dominance in hip osteoarthritis'. Seminars In Arthritis And Rheumatism, [Details]
(2015) 'Gleason drift in the NIHR ProtecT study'
Oxley J, Simpkin A, Goepel J, Varma M, Griffiths D, Grigor K, Mayer N, Warren A, Deshmukh N, Bhattarai S, Dormer J, Hounsome L, Adamczyk LA, Metcalfe C, Lane JA, Davis M, Donovan JL, Neal DE, Hamdy FC, Robinson MC; ProtecT Study Group. (2015) 'Gleason drift in the NIHR ProtecT study'. Histopathology, [Details]
(2015) 'Assessment of Offspring DNA Methylation across the Lifecourse Associated with Prenatal Maternal Smoking Using Bayesian Mixture Modelling'
de Vocht F, Simpkin AJ, Richmond RC, Relton C, Tilling K. (2015) 'Assessment of Offspring DNA Methylation across the Lifecourse Associated with Prenatal Maternal Smoking Using Bayesian Mixture Modelling'. Int J Environ Res Public Health, [Details]
(2015) 'Longitudinal analysis of DNA methylation associated with birth weight and gestational age'
Simpkin AJ, Suderman M, Gaunt TR, Lyttleton O, McArdle WL, Ring SM, Tilling K, Davey Smith G, Relton CL. (2015) 'Longitudinal analysis of DNA methylation associated with birth weight and gestational age'. Human Molecular Genetics, [Details]
(2015) 'Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Factors Determining Change to Radical Treatment in Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer'
Simpkin AJ, Tilling K, Martin RM, Lane JA, Hamdy FC, Holmberg L, Neal DE, Metcalfe C, Donovan JL. (2015) 'Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Factors Determining Change to Radical Treatment in Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer'. European Urology, [Details]
(2015) 'Prenatal exposure to maternal smoking and offspring DNA methylation across the lifecourse: findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)'
Richmond RC, Simpkin AJ, Woodward G, Gaunt TR, Lyttleton O, McArdle WL, Ring SM, Smith AD, Timpson NJ, Tilling K, Davey Smith G, Relton CL. (2015) 'Prenatal exposure to maternal smoking and offspring DNA methylation across the lifecourse: findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)'. Human Molecular Genetics, [Details]
(2014) 'Prenatal exposure to maternal smoking and offspring DNA methylation across the life course; findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)'
Richmond, RC; Simpkin, AJ; Woodward, G; Gaunt, TR; Lyttleton, O; McArdle, WL; Ring, SM; Smith, ACAC; Timpson, NJ; Tilling, K; Smith, GD; Relton, CL. (2014) 'Prenatal exposure to maternal smoking and offspring DNA methylation across the life course; findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)'. Human Molecular Genetics, [Details]
(2014) 'What is the point of tips?'
Adamczyk L, Simpkin A, Oxley J. (2014) 'What is the point of tips?'. J Clin Pathol, [Details]
(2014) 'Gleason drift in the NIHR ProtecT Study'
Oxley, J; Simpkin, AJ; Goepel, J; Varma, M; Griffiths, D, Grigor, K; Mayer, N; Warren, A; Deshmukh, N; Bhattarai, S; Dormer, J; Hounsome, L; Adamczyk, LA; Metcalfe, C; Lane, JA; Davis, M; Donovan, JL; Neal, DE; Hamdy, FC; Robinson, MC. (2014) 'Gleason drift in the NIHR ProtecT Study'. Histopathology, [Details]
(2014) 'The significance of hand dominance in hip osteoarthritis'
Cawley, D; Guerin, JS; Walsh, J; Simpkin, AJ; Masterson, E. (2014) 'The significance of hand dominance in hip osteoarthritis'. Seminars In Arthritis And Rheumatism, [Details]
(2014) 'Role of Crassicauda sp. in natural mortality of pantropical spotted dolphins Stenella attenuata: a reassessment'
Balbuena JA, Simpkin A. (2014) 'Role of Crassicauda sp. in natural mortality of pantropical spotted dolphins Stenella attenuata: a reassessment'. Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms, [Details]
(2013) 'New statistics for an old paradigm: Reassessment of the role of Crassicauda sp. in natural mortality of pan tropical spotted dolphins Stenella Attenuate'
Balbuena, JA; Simpkin, AJ; (2013) 'New statistics for an old paradigm: Reassessment of the role of Crassicauda sp. in natural mortality of pan tropical spotted dolphins Stenella Attenuate'. Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms, [Details]
(2013) 'Longitudinal prostate-specific antigen reference ranges: Choosing the underlying model of age-related changes'
Simpkin AJ; Metcalfe, C; Martin, RM; Lane, JA; Donovan, JL; Hamdy, FC; Neal, DE; Tilling, K. (2013) 'Longitudinal prostate-specific antigen reference ranges: Choosing the underlying model of age-related changes'. Statistical Methods In Medical Research, [Details]
(2013) 'An additive penalty P-Spline approach to derivative estimation'
Simpkin AJ, Newell J (2013) 'An additive penalty P-Spline approach to derivative estimation'. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, [Details]
(2012) 'Full and surface tibial cementation in total knee arthroplasty: a biomechanical investigation of stress distribution and remodeling in the tibia'
Cawley DT, Kelly N, Simpkin A, Shannon FJ, McGarry JP. (2012) 'Full and surface tibial cementation in total knee arthroplasty: a biomechanical investigation of stress distribution and remodeling in the tibia'. Clinical Biomechanics, [Details]
(2011) 'Determination of the utility of the Intubation Difficulty Scale for use with indirect laryngoscopes'
McElwain J, Simpkin A, Newell J, Laffey JG. (2011) 'Determination of the utility of the Intubation Difficulty Scale for use with indirect laryngoscopes'. Anaesthesia, [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2022) 'Holocaust Survival among Immigrant Jews in the Netherlands'
Peter Tammes, Andrew J Simpkin (2022) 'Holocaust Survival among Immigrant Jews in the Netherlands' In: Politics, Violence, Memory: The New Social Science of the Holocaust. New York: Cornell University Press. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2023) 18th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2023)
Mallart, C., Simpkin, A., Venant, R., Ballier, N., Stearns, B., Li, J.Y. and Gaillat, T. (2023) Exploring a New Grammatico-functional Type of Measure as Part of a Language Learning Expert System 18th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2023) [Details]
(2021) Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2021)
Storni, C., Tsvyatkova, D., Richardson, I., Buckley, J., Abbas, M., Beecham, S., Chochlov, M., Fitzgerald, B., Glynn, L., Johnson, K., Laffey, J., Simpkin, A.J., Welsh, T. (2021) Toward a Compare and Contrast Framework for COVID-19 Contact Tracing Mobile Applications: A Look at Usability Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2021) [Details]
(2020) 7th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing
Welsh T, Rekanar K, Abbas M, Chochlov M, Fitzgerald B, Glynn L, Johnson K, Laffey J, McNicholas B, Nuseibeh B, O'Connell J, Simpkin, A, Buckley, J. (2020) Towards a taxonomy for evaluating societal concerns of contact tracing apps 7th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing [Details]
(2009) 24th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling
Simpkin, AJ; Eilers, PHC; Game, J; Newell, J. (2009) Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling 24th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2015) Development, validation and evaluation of an instrument for active monitoring of men with clinically localised prostate cancer: systematic review, cohort studies and qualitative study.
Simpkin AJ, Rooshenas L, Wade J, Donovan JL, Lane JA, Martin RM, Metcalfe C, Albertsen PC, Hamdy FC, Holmberg L, Neal DE, Tilling K. (2015) Development, validation and evaluation of an instrument for active monitoring of men with clinically localised prostate cancer: systematic review, cohort studies and qualitative study. NIHR Journals Library, Southampton. [Details]

Current Postgraduate Students (Research)

  Student Degree Type Type
Anna Grossbach Doctorate - Structured PhD (Science) Supervisor
John Andrew Doctorate - Structured Ph.D (Engineering) Supervisor

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
2022-2023 Statistics ST2352
2022-2023 Modern Statistical Methods ST4140
2022-2023 Biostatistics I : Critical Appraisal of Published Statistics MD552
2022-2023 Statistical Methods ST1112
2022-2023 Engineering Statistics ST1100
2022-2023 Foundations of Genomics Data Science MA653
2022-2023 Bayesian Modelling ST417