Biochemistry PhD Programme

NUI Galway Biochemistry has a great history of attracting national and international PhD students every year, with more than 40 PhD students currently registered. Our research funding sources are widespread and include national and international funding agencies, as well as a variety of industrial partners. Our PhD students choose NUI Galway because of our excellent research facilities, the high quality of research being conducted and our outstanding publication history.

Our PhD degree programme is a structured programme that is primarily based on carrying out scientific research and the submission of a PhD research thesis by the end of the four-year period.  As part of the structured programme students complete developmental modules to enhance their professional transferable skills, which are required to succeed in the modern work environment. Such course include core and elective choices.

Normally students will take 30 credits through these modules.

All students entering a PhD programme in the Discipline of Biochemistry enter the structured PhD programme and, as well as produce the research thesis, take extra courses in order to improve personal and professional skills which are relevant to the modern work environment.

Contact the Biochemistry Postgraduate Studies Director for additional information or with further queries on Research postgraduate opportunities.

 Adrienne Gorman
Professor of Biochemistry
Apoptosis Research Centre
Direct line: 091 492417 


Marc Higgins |   PhD Student

I chose to undertake a structured PhD in biochemistry at NUI Galway because of the cutting edge research in diverse areas such as cancer, genetics, chromosome biology, and more carried out here. This collection of world leading research groups, all lead by renowned researchers, fosters an environment of collaboration and motivates you to reach your full potential. As well as being a fascinating academic discipline, biochemistry is integral to industries such as pharmaceuticals, and as part of a structured PhD we have the opportunity to undertake modules which will prepare us for careers in both industry and academia. These modules may aid in improving your interview skills, or help you gain a deeper understanding of statistics. There are many selections to cater to most needs! The facilities within the department of biochemistry are all very modern and well maintained, others are more than happy to help you learn to use any equipment that might be new to you. All-in-all a structured PhD in biochemistry at NUI Galway will equip you with the skills you need to be successful in your future career, all while being a great place to work.