Information for current students

General Information

Semester Dates 
The academic year runs from September to May. Full time students are expected to attend all lectures, practical labs and other teaching activities during this time. Calendars for all years are available from the official NUI Galway Academic Dates page.

Blackboard Learning Platform
The activities of all Biochemistry modules are managed via the NUI Galway Blackboard learning management web server. This is the official source of details about your module requirements, timetables and arrangements as well as lecture notes and other useful information. Blackboard access to modules is automatically enabled when you complete registration. Please see the ISS Blackboard page for support.

Academic Standards
Students in Biochemistry are expected to maintain the high standards of NUI Galway, including abiding by the official Code of Conduct and Plagarism guidelines.

Experiencing difficulties and LENS reports
Students who are facing personal or academic issues are encouraged to speak to a member of academic staff. Supports are available to assist with academic difficulties and staff can assist students to access the support services at NUIG. Students who have missed course material through medical or personal reasons are requested to submit Absence forms (available on Blackboard) to the Biochemistry Administrator.
Students with LENS reports should submit them to the Biochemsitry administrator at the beginning of the year to ensure that the supports are put in place to asssist them. Please contact the Disability office if you need to apply for a LENS assessment.

Overview by Year

First Year Biology

 First year students wishing to complete a BSc in Biochemistry must follow the standard first year course with Biology, which includes a substantial component of Biochemistry. They must also pass Chemistry and Physics to enter second year Biochemistry. Further information can be found here.

 Second Year Biochemistry

Second year Biochemistry comprises the core BO201 Molecular Cell Biology module as well as BI208 Protein Structure Function in semester 1, followed by BI206 Gene Technology and Molecular Medicine and BI207 Metabolism and Cell Signalling in semester 2. 

 The Introductory lecture will be held in person on Monday 5th September 2022, from 11-12 noon in the O'Flaherty Lecture Theatre.
The session will include an introduction to BO201, an overview of BI208 (for students taking the Y2 Biochemistry pathway), and pre-registration for Continuous assessments in both modules (including Laboratory Practicals for BI208).

Looking forward to meeting you all and to welcoming you to 2nd Year!

Detailed information on the introduction lecture, modules and course co-ordinators is available here. 

Third Year Biochemistry

Third year Biochemistry comprises the core modules BI309 Cell Biology and BI319 Molecular Biology in semester 1, followed by BI321 Protein Biochemistry and BI313 Cell Signalling in semester 2. In addition students must take  BO3101 Developmental Biology in semester 1, and BI317 Human Molecular Genetics in semester 2.

The introductory lecture for 3rd Year Biochemistry is  12 noon Tuesday 6th September 2022 in the GO19 Theatre Human Biology Building. BO3101 will have a seperate introduction at 5pm Monday 7th of September 2022 in the MRA201 The Ryan Insitiute Annex.

Detailed information on  modules and course co-ordinators is available here and on Blackboard.

 Fourth Year Biochemistry

Fourth year Biochemistry comprises a semester-long individual Research Project (BI453) and a Literature Review (BI449), as well as research skills modules including BI446 Current Topics in Bioscience, BI451 Research Paper Analysis and BI452 Biochemistry Principles & Experimental Design. Lecture modules include BI445 Biomolecules, BI448 Modern Biotechnologies, BI449 Molecular and Cellular Biology and BI429 Advanced Chromosome Biology.

The introduction lecture will be held at 10am Tuesday the 6th of September 2022 in the McMunn. Please check Blackboard module B1401 for announcements from the Year coordinator Prof Uri Frank.

Detailed information on the modules and course co-ordinators is available here.