Mr Tenis Ranjan Munaweera Thanthirige

BSc, MPhil



Tenis Ranjan is a full-time postgraduate researcher and part-time research assistant in Civil Engineering at the University of Galway. He has a strong academic foundation, holding a Bachelor of Science (BSc) and a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. His expertise lies in composite manufacturing, structural testing, and Finite Element Analysis, particularly in the context of tidal and wind turbine blades. Prior to his doctoral studies, Tenis served as a lecturer for seven years at the University of Ruhuna in Sri Lanka, where he taught composite materials and manufacturing, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and machine designing, showcasing his passion for teaching and knowledge dissemination. Currently, his research focuses on enhancing the structural performance and structural integrity of tidal turbine blades through a combination of experimental testing, numerical simulations, and predictive modeling. His work aims to develop fatigue life and residual strength models to estimate blade degradation and performance in harsh marine environments. With an interdisciplinary background that bridges mechanical and civil engineering, Tenis brings a unique perspective to his research, contributing to advancements in renewable energy technology and sustainable engineering solutions.
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